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Walking for Health

walking exercise health

Why Walking Works

The human body is designed to walk. What better way to spend a sunny afternoon than to get outdoors, getting an aerobic workout, increasing our heart rate, increasing circulation, strengthening the heart muscle, filling our lungs with fresh air and reaping the benefits of all that oxygen? A little rain never hurt anyone either. What has really hurt many heart disease sufferers—and people with heart disease risk factors—is a sedentary lifestyle.

The benefits of walking for the heart are numerous. Moderate physical activity, including walking, cycling, and light gardening, for 30 minutes a day cuts the risk of heart disease mortality. Even 45 minutes of exercise three times a week can reduce cardiovascular risks, depression, and emotional stress better than conventional care alone.

Best of all, it is never too late to get strolling. A 2006 study in Heart reported that couch potatoes who only started exercising later in life still cut their chances of developing heart disease [1] significantly. People aged 40-plus who got off that couch and got active lowered their risk by 55 percent compared to the still inactive. People who had been active and stayed active enjoyed a 60 percent drop in risk for coronary heart disease. In 2006, researchers also reviewed all the current literature on walking for the prevention of heart disease and its risk factors. They noted in the Journal of Women’s Health that walking cuts a woman’s risk and has beneficial effects on risk factors such as obesity, abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels, hypertension, and diabetes.

Physical benefits of walking:

Mental benefits of walking:

Easy Walking Tips