Hormone Health

Amenorrhea (Absent Periods)
Overview Symptoms Causes Prescription Health Tips A normal menstrual cycle involves complex hormonal interactions that stimulate the ovaries to produce and release estrogen, progesterone and ova (eggs). The full cycle typically lasts 21 to 35 days, with the first day of menstruation marking the first day of the cycle. The absence of periods is called … Read More

Overview Symptoms Causes Prescription Health Tips The prostate is a small, chestnut-sized gland located just below the bladder in men. It is wrapped around the urethra, the pathway for seminal fluid and urine. Prostatitis is a group of various conditions that affect the prostate, potentially causing painful symptoms, infection or inflammation. There are four types … Read More

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (Enlarged Prostate)
Overview Symptoms Causes Prescription Health Tips The prostate is a small, chestnut-sized gland located just below a man’s bladder. It is wrapped around the urethra, the pathway for seminal fluid and urine. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also known as an enlarged prostate, occurs when the prostate gland becomes enlarged. As the gland swells, it may … Read More

Overview Symptoms Causes Prescription Health Tips Diabetes is a serious condition affecting around 9.2 percent of the Canadian population. By 2026 that percentage is expected to climb to 11.6 percent. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that approximately 422 million adults were living with diabetes as of 2014. According to the Canadian Diabetes Association, one … Read More

Vaginal Yeast Infections
Overview Symptoms Causes Prescription Health Tips Seventy-five percent of women will experience at least one vaginal yeast infection during their lives; forty percent will have more than one infection, and five percent will have four or more infections in a year. Yeast infections are more common in women of childbearing age and pregnant women; however, … Read More

Stretch Marks
Overview Symptoms Causes Prescription Health Tips Stretch marks are scars that develop during a period of sudden, rapid growth or weight gain, which causes the skin to stretch and become thin. This compromises the integrity of collagen and elastin fibres in the middle layer of skin. When stretch marks first appear they tend to be … Read More

Melasma (Brown Spots or Sun Spots)
OverviewSymptomsCausesPrescriptionHealth Tips Melasma, also known as brown spots or sun spots, is a common skin condition that causes brown discolourations on any part of the body that is exposed to the sun, but typically they appear on the face. While the condition affects a small percentage of men, it is common in women, particularly in young … Read More

Spider and Varicose Veins
Overview Symptoms Causes Prescription Health Tips One of the most common vein conditions, about 20 to 25 percent of the adult population and 50 percent of people over the age of 50 have some type of varicose vein (hemorrhoids are a form of varicose vein). The inner walls of veins contain small one-way valves that ensure proper … Read More

Adrenal Fatigue
Overview Symptoms Causes Test for Adrenal Function Prescription Health Tips The two adrenal glands are among the most important glands in the body. These small glands secrete the stress-response hormones that guide the body’s reaction to a stressor, as well as small amounts of estrogen, testosterone, DHEA, cortisol and progesterone. The accumulated effects of internal … Read More

Cervical Dysplasia, HPV, Warts
OverviewGenital WartsCervical Dysplasia and Cervical CancerSymptomsCausesPrescriptionHealth Tips HPV (Human Papillomavirus) refers to a group of viruses that are extremely common and contagious. There are over 150 different strains, some of which are responsible for the common wart, while more than 40 are passed through sexual contact. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection worldwide. Most … Read More